Always start with a good microphone. Bad Audio is widely considered the number one reason people will stop listening to a podcast or watching a video. While your audio doesn't have to be amazing it does, at least, have to be clear and audible for listeners to not give up on it. I've always had trouble recording my own voice because I'm naturally softly spoken. When I do speak up I can't maintain it for long sentences. Even with quality microphones, the higher range of my natural speaking voice isn't that loud - even with my mouth less than a foot away. As you can imagine, recording three and a half hours of me talking while demonstrating all the features of a software application, as I do in The Lazy Animator Beginner's Guide to Cartoon Animator , was always going to result in some pretty uneven audio (who can remember to keep talking loud while you're concentrating on a demonstration). I thought my audio was passable but I did get some strong feedback, pri...