It took a long time for me to complete the final part of my Men In Black 2 series . The Super Rica and Rashy theme license on GoAnimate had expired and the finale of Rashy's master plan had already come into play in episode 6 . I had to find a way to tie up all the loose ends without Rashy. Unfortunately I just couldn't come to a satisfactory conclusion without Rashy but I did manage to keep his scenes to an absolute minimum - which was necessary since I didn't have the animated Rashy to use. Pt 7 - Men In Black 2 by etourist Like it? Create your own at . It's free and fun! I think I wrapped up the story reasonably well considering, when I started MIB2 the plan was for Rashy to return to his family, memory erased, as he did in the original MIB . The scene with Agent Obama explaining things to the media is my favorite part of this installment. It's a little out of character for Obama to slip up with the Jedi mind trick line but I figure he...