Commedus GoAnimator Commedus is the Inaugural winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest . Commedus has had his account with GoAnimate since September of 2011 and in that time has had two staff picks and was awarded the much sought after position of Animator of the Month for May of 2012. Commedus was able to choose any of his animations to be featured and chose one that I hadn't seen until now and am sorry I missed when it was released back in June of 2012. Prop only videos have become something of their own genre on GoAnimate and Commedus, The Wizard's Love is a very beautiful example of what can be achieved. The Wizards Love by Commedus on GoAnimate Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate. Commedus writes about his animation... I have picked my animation, The Wizards Love, to represent my work because of all the things it means to me. I know many people may think my party videos, such as The Throne Room Party 1 and 2 and Dead Mans ...