This installment, part 5 of my parody series, Men In Black 2 , Rashy launches his evil master plan with devastating results but for who? Find out in the video below. Note: be sure to watch the video below before reading further as my behind the scenes notes WILL spoil the final scene of this episode if you haven't seen it. Pt5: Men In Black 2 by etourist Like it? Create your own at . It's free and fun! When I started making part 5 of MIB2 I had three objectives: Explain how George and Dick came to be working for Rashy despite being on his 'hit' list in episode 1. Get Rashy into the White House. Break Barack and Joe out of their cell so they could start heading back to Earth and expose Rashy's brilliant disguise. The first two were pretty straight forward. George and Dick did in fact mess up after a practical joke by Barack and Agent A. Rashy's ingenious disguises meant he'd have no trouble getting to the White House (and t...