My Men In Black, episode 2, parody series continues in these latest two installments where Agents Obama and Biden, having seen through Rashy's clever Newt Gingrich disguise, are now hot on his trail. In part 2 we see the return of Rashy's reluctant, double crossing partner in crime and what could be better than seeing a democrat firing off a few hundred rounds from a big gun! Pt2: Men in Black 2 by etourist Like it? Create your own at . It's free and fun! Then in part 3 not everyone is happy with Agent Barack's skill with a rifle whilst Rashy forgets his 'guest' status and clearly over stays his welcome. Agents Obama and Biden seek solace in a few after work drinks and Rashy regroups with yet another cunning disguise. Pt3: Men In Black 2 by etourist Like it? Create your own at . It's free and fun! Neither of these parts have much to report behind the scenes. Everything is mostly stock standard GoAnimate born ...