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Showing posts from August, 2009

Happy Bunny Vs Street Fighter's Ken

A recurring theme through my GoAnimate Complaints Department animation series was Street Fighter's Ken complaining about the need to pay 400 GoBucks in order to fight the Street Fighter Character, Bison. This complaint is actually a common one from GoAnimate members (particularly younger ones who are unable to spend real money online) who feel you shouldn't have to pay for anything on the site. Well at least not the characters they really want. I've been wanting to do a real 'fight' animation for quite a while but the Street Fighter theme has never really inspired me. There are just too many Street Fighter, fight animations on GoAnimate. It's hard to come up with something original. As Ken's complaints became more persistent through the course of the Complaints series it was clear I'd found an angle for something new in the fight genre for GoAnimate. Happy Bunny Versus Ken! It sounds silly. A cute bunny rabbit up against a martial arts extraordinaire - ...

Full Energy Fishing

GoAnimate's Full Energy theme is intriguing. I can conceive many ideas for it however the individual characters have such limited movement that it would take some dedication to realize what I had in mind. My animation, Full Energy Fishing , below, is a case in point. Fishing - Full Energy by etourist Like it? Create your own at . It's free and fun! I won't go too much into explaining the joke. You either understand the absurdity of what Dave is doing and his attempt to rationalize it by pointing out that Boss is doing something even sillier or you don't. The point of this article being that when I started this particular animation I had a much bigger and potentially funnier story in mind but didn't want to get into the technicalities of making it happen. I needed actions like Dave being able to use a fishing rod and to fire a shot gun. Two actions that you might expect these trailer park dwellers to perform but unfortunately they can't. To make t...

Puppy Love - Red Riding Hood Revisited

Puppy Love is an original animation I created many years ago that parodies the story of Little Red Riding Hood . It posses the question of what if Little Red Riding Hood really, really wanted a puppy? You'll find out more about Puppy Love shortly but first, a bit of history that inspired my interest in animation. Way back in the late nineteen eighties and early nineteen nineties animation on home computers really started to take off - especially on the Commodore Amiga range of home computers. Back then the king of animation, who became synonymous with the Amiga brand was a guy called Eric Schwartz and more specifically his character, Amy the Squirrel. My animation is probably going to pale at the side of Eric's but keep in mind Eric's animation, "At the Movies 3", below, is Eric really at his peak. You can watch much of his earlier work at this YouTube Channel most of which was created on the Amiga platform. I've digressed from the point of this article beca...

Full Energy - New GoAnimate Theme

GoAnimate recently launched the premium (i.e. you need to buy it) theme Full Energy . A select bunch of long time GoAnimators were given the theme to play with, myself included. No doubt to help showcase the theme as much as a reward for being long time supporters of the site. Initial reactions to the theme on GA's forum were mixed (read this thread and this one ). One notable comment was from GA's CEO, Alvin who had this to say about the theme: I personally think the Full Energy theme is quite ugly. However, that's the whole point to that particular animation style. We realize it probably won't appeal to everyone on the site, but we feel it is important to encompass more styles. Full Energy is going to be one of those things that people either love or hate! So what is Full Energy? Well if you've seen Adult Swim's Robot Chicken Animations then you'll have some idea of what to expect from Full Energy. Like Robot Chicken it incorporates mashed together ...