The continuing story of my Men In Black parody staring Barack Obama and AKON . If you have yet to see the first episode , it's not essential but does set up how Barack happens to be a MIB agent. I'd recommend you take a look. In this second episode Barack learns the truth about the former President and Vice President and attempts to play a practical joke that goes wrong. MIB - Part 2 Like it? Create your own at . It's free and fun! Paul Dini's, Rashy , once again makes an appearance in one of my animations as the boss of everything (well almost). After being foiled by Underdog in The Copier , Rashy continues his scheme to graduate from being the boss of a corporation to world and universe domination! When I started this series I had no idea Rashy would make an appearance but that's just the way I work. I start with an idea and see where it takes me rather than scripting the whole thing from beginning to end. As soon as I wrote Cheney saying "Th...